RMP 33: Dr Jayanie Kodituwakku – A Look Within

Released 10 January 2018     Subscribe: iTunes

Dr Jayanie Kodituwakku is a former PricewaterhouseCoopers Management Consultant, Coach and Innovator. She works with individuals, teams and organisations to reveal the unexpected keys to Insight; the ultimate leverage point for creating a thriving business and life. Jayanie’s a contributor to the Huffington Post, writes for the Imperial College Business School on Management & Leadership and one of other the interesting things about her is that she’s regularly invited to the House of Lords for discussions on Consciousness.

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Featured Show Highlights

  • What life was like for Jayanie before understanding the principles and how success to her differs now (5:28)
  • She explains what is meant by “you cannot create insight” (7:48)
  • How her work actually became more effortless through increased awareness (11:20)
  • The concept of “looking within” and why she is sharing it with others (16:00)
  • Where the real beauty lies for Jayanie…(18:15)
  • Are you trying to use physicality to understand life? There’s something much greater! (28:19)


“I started to see that it didn’t really matter what was going on externally, and that was the first time that it kind of really hit home” (3:48)

“Having this understanding of how my mind was working gave me a lot of peace” (6:09)

“When the noise quiets, the mind gets still and you have this clarity” (14:48)

“In the simplicity is where the real beauty lies” (18:15)